
Is Coaching for You? Coaching vs Other Personal Growth Modalities Ecological Thinking

Coaching For You? Coaching Vs Other Personal Growth Modalities

Coaching is distinct from similar personal growth modalities. It's highly advantageous to compare coaching vs therapy, counseling, mentoring and others.
Shamanism: Ancient Medicine in a Modern World A Superconscious Mind

Shamanism: Using Ancient Medicine in a Modern World

The term 'shamanism' often conjures images of mystical figures invoking spirits in a trance-like state. There are misconceptions about what shamanism is and isn't.
Who and What is Mother Earth? Ecological Thinking

Who and What is Mother Earth?

Many people already feel connected to Mother Earth as a loving consciousness. I want to present some ideas that will give you some points worth considering. 
Habits of Success: What You Need to Do Practical Spirituality

Habits of Success: What You Need to Do

Wondering why some people seem to be constantly achieving their goals while others are stuck in a never-ending cycle of wishful thinking? It's all about habits.
Consciousness From the Grand Scientific Perspective A Superconscious Mind

Consciousness From the Grand Scientific Perspective

Consciousness gives us the ability to think and be creative. Although it has been a subject of intense study for ages, what is it from a scientific perspective?
Shamanism: The Awakening of the Mind A Superconscious Mind

Shamanism: The Awakening of the Mind

Shamanism, a spiritual practice that has been around for centuries, holds a profound potential for awakening the mind to the realities of the spiritual world.
Unusual Intimate Relationships image Practical Spirituality

Unusual Intimate Relationships: One Size Does Not Fit All

In the landscape of human connection, we encounter a myriad of intimate relationship types. These forms of intimate relationships come in all shapes and sizes.
What is Past Life Regression and How Does It Work? A Superconscious Mind

What is Past Life Regression and How Does It Work?

Past Life Regression works as a method of hypnosis that takes someone into a trance state to give them access to both the subconscious and superconscious minds. 
Better Customers, Wiser Growth With Business Astrology Ecological Thinking

Better Customers, Wiser Business Growth With Astrology

The ancient wisdom of astrology for business? Yes, business astrology, often dismissed as mere superstition, can indeed be a powerful tool in your arsenal. 
Not Being Limited by Scientific Explanation Ecological Thinking

Not Being Limited by Scientific Explanation

The scientific explanation we use to describe life on Earth is reliant on empirical evidence - what we can perceive and measure. But spirituality isn't measurable.
Focus: The Science and Spirituality Behind Focusing Your Mind Practical Spirituality

Focus: The Science and Spirituality Behind Focusing Your Mind

It's becoming increasingly apparent that focus, the capability to concentrate one's attention on a single task or subject, is becoming more difficult. Why?
Believe In Astrology? Why or Why Not? Ecological Thinking

Believe In Astrology? Why or Why Not?

Why do some believe in astrology's promises to reveal our destinies through the positions of celestial bodies. I've questioned whether to be a skeptic.
The Beautiful Differences of the Consciouses A Superconscious Mind

The Beautiful Differences of the Consciouses

Comprehending the distinctions between the Consciouses: Un, Sub and Super helps us tap into the power of our mind at many levels to unlock our full potential.
The Secrets of Productivity and How to Overcome Inertia Practical Spirituality

The Secrets of Productivity and How to Overcome Inertia

Despite having dreams and aspirations that excite you, do you find productivity to be challenging? Let's journey together to understand the enigma of inertia.
Distraction to Action Mindfulness Makes It Happen Practical Spirituality

From Distraction to Action: How Mindfulness Makes It Happen

It's imperative that we cultivate an understanding of of our minds. Among the many tools at our disposal, mindfulness stands out as a beacon of hope.
What Does it Mean to Be Spiritual? Ecological Thinking

What Does it Mean to Be Spiritual?

To look at what it means to be spiritual is to take into account a vast number of causes, effects and abilities.  It will give you an idea of who you are.
Can Astrology Predict and Divine Our Destiny? Ecological Thinking

Can Astrology Predict and Divine Our Destiny?

I have dedicated countless hours to the study of astrological charts to see what they can predict. I believe that the planets hold a special gift for us. 
Differences of Attitude and Mindset Practical Spirituality

The Surprising Similarities and Differences Between Attitude and Mindset

Personal growth demands the exploration of Mindset and Attitude. But what do these terms mean? And why should someone in personal development care about them?
The Exquisite Truth: Consciousness Is Way Beyond Perception and Awareness A Superconscious Mind

The Exquisite Truth: Consciousness Is Way Beyond Perception and Awareness

The consciousness we possess supports perception and awareness of self, and provides the ability to make sense of the world. It is key to interacting with it.
Coaching is Awesome When You Know What It Is Ecological Thinking

Coaching is Awesome When You Know What It Is

What is coaching really? While the term 'coaching' now finds itself entwined in our everyday parlance, there remains an air of ambiguity around its true meaning.
Building a Sacred Business alt

Events Etc.

Sedona Sky image

A Sensible Thank You

I was asked to present a thank you prayer for the spiritualist church morning service I attend. Thanksgiving, being right around the corner, I wrote this.
